Wednesday 4 November 2009

What Has Media Got To Do With It?

Today I Got Made To Make a Blog, Unwillingly With a Gun To My Head. Well Not Really But Worth a Try To Make You Read This :)
Well AS Media, Don't Really Know How To Take That, Me Doing AS, Never Thought I'd See The Day...
But Here I Am In My Media Class Writing To A Blog, I Think We Have it Easy Don't You?

Well The Beginning Of My First Blog, Who's Readyy?

I Got a C3 :/ Not That Good But i Know i Can Do Better, Just Need To Buckle My SeatBelt and Drive Through The Journey Of Media.
My Targets a C1, There's No Target With This, Im Going To
Get Better and Im Going To Pass It :D
So What Have I Learnt
Last Half Term In Media?
Ermm Lets Think....
  • Ideology - I Don't Like It and Quite Frankly Don't Really Understand it, Thats Probably Why i Got a C :( But i Will Get There Some Day :D
  • Different Media Platforms: E- Media, Broadcasting and Print Media
  • Presentation/Poster (Didn't Really Learn Anything) But i Made a Wicked Poster as You Can See :)

What Else Does Media Have To Offer?
Hmm Not Really Sure, Guess Ill Have To Start My Car :D

Just Though i Would Upload This Video, Just To Say Do We Control Media?