First off al just a quick answer to one of Pete's Requests.
I found this on youtube on the press room fact sheet for Youtube.
"see if you can find out what sort of people are doing the uploading"
So What type of people really do the most uploading, well from Youtube itself i found out that "52 % of 18-34 year-olds share videos often with friends and colleagues. With such a large and diverse user base, YouTube offers something for everyone", but in reality that doesn't really give me a clear point of view to who actually does it, and I'm finding it hard to find it on google and youtube itself. so ill have to get back to you on that one.
Anyway back to Pete's Blog.
When i first read it i didn't actually get the point of it, until i started thinking to myself what its about, and i totally agree with all the videos and what he wrote.
In the video "A Video Of Students Today" it actually opened my eyes to what some people do with education, its like most of the people in America have to go further for their education, they have to expand there horizons (even though we do this here). But in fact they have to, so they can pass, even though they should be learning in lessons. A class on 100 students is a lot. Were Privileged that we have 30 students or less, we can connect and have a personal level with them. As one girl said, the teacher only knows 18% of their students names. i don't actually get how that makes people feel in general but if my teacher didn't know my name i would feel a bit set back. For you guys who haven't seen it here it is.
"The Machine is Us/ing Us" Really?
Well According to Michael Wesch it is. Back in the day when we used to do work on pen and paper, now its laptops and USB's. So why?
Hmm Guess its not that hard to figure out really.
So agree with Pete when he says the reason 18 and less use upload and use YouTube less, which is probably because its blocked in most schools.
What do you think on all this?
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