Tuesday, 24 May 2011

9: Is the size of the audience any different now than before the impact of new and digitial media (or has the pattern of usage changed)?

9: Is the size of the audience any different now than before the impact of new and digitial media (or has the pattern of usage changed)?

Since apple have created the iPhone there have increased the popularity of Apple. The iPhone has just about every type of new media possible, from the internet to mobile telephony to gaming and new media technology. This is one of the most advanced phoneso ut at the moment, making everyone wanting it.
Most of the features used are not on other phones, HTC is one upcoming phone in which it may compete with iPhone 4. Since Apple are thinking of making a new iPhone, will anyone be able to keep up with the tstandards that Apple can bring.

There is a new app on the iPhone 4 which helps you find your phone if lost of stolen, this helps anyone in a bad or sticky situation. People can log into there account then search on the internet where it is. kind of like a CSI/detective game.

Audiences find Apple more advanced in technology then other media institutions as it has more and more things coming out by the minute.

Here are some facts about Apple devices.
Before announcing the iPad 2 Wednesday, Apple CEO Steve Jobs took some time to provide a few numbers and sales figures in some key business areas.

iBookstore: Customers have downloaded more than 100 million ebooks from Apple's ebook store, which was launched with the original iPad. iBooks has since expanded to all Apple devices running iOS 4 and above.
On Wednesday, Jobs said Random House would join Apple's iBooks offering, bringing more than 17,000 new titles to the store. Earlier this week, Random House announced that it would adopt the agency model for ebook sales, which paved the way for Wednesday's announcement. Random House had been the last holdout among the six major publishing houses to join the iBookstore.
All told, Jobs said, there are now more than 2,500 publishers on the iBookstore.
iPhone: Apple has now sold more than 100 million handsets, Jobs announced Wednesday. Interestingly, Apple's CEO didn't mention the recently launched Verizon iPhone 4, or provided any detailed information on how many of those devices were sold.
iPad: In 2010, Apple sold 15 million iPads in just nine months, more than any other tablet computer ever sold. The iPad generated $9.5 billion in revenues for the company, and has gained over 90 percent of market share.
iTunes and App Store: There are now some 200 million accounts with credit cards on iTunes, probably the largest database of customer accounts in the world according to Jobs.
The App Store has more 350,000 apps, of which over 65,000 are designed specifically to take advantage of the iPad's advanced capabilities. Finally, Apple has distributed more than $2 billion to developers who sell their apps through the App Store.