Monday, 13 December 2010

Five Moving Image Texts about The Student Protest

BBC student protest 4.16pm 10/11/10

The student protest was started to stop tuition fees rising from £3.000 to £9.000. The students did this to make a statement, but the minority caused a threat to the public (moral panic). 

When minority of a group make the rest of a group become a stereotype they become folks devil, which means they become targeted by the audience of a certain text.
At the beginning of this protest it was all about students getting noticed about the money rising and fees rising. Now as a minority have bombarded it, it has now become a mockery.
Students are presented as a immature, feisty, uncontrolled young adults, which is not what the protest intended to be. fires where started and windows were broken, for no reason.

"Majority of this demonstration is still peaceful"
"This is the biggest demonstration that london has seen against austerity measures"
This news shows the bad stereotype of the student protesters. Even though its says the majority of the students are peaceful, the little minority have made the whole of the group seen bad.
Students are presented as rowdy people who don't really know why their there.

The fact that the protesters vandalized the princes car, was unacceptable. They went to far, making it become a mockery. The people at the protests probably aren't students but came to make a statement making a stereotype. By vandalizing the princes car, means the royal family are at risk, they have no reason to be involved. This makes it dangerous that if they can threaten the royal family, they are uncontrollable.

Students that were actually there to prove a point did, they stopped on going people who started riots, to stop vandalizing and breaking public uses. For One example the students made a circle around the vandalized police car which stopped violent protestors braking and smashing it. This showed courage and positive outlook to what was happening to the audience, stopping moral panic (in a way).

This would be moral panic at its worse, this explains and shows the moral panic of students to the audience. The people who break stuff and vandalize are probably not from university or college. This means it becomes mockery. The police are seen as overpowered as they cant do anything, they can make barriers but cant react, which shows the students are over powered.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

day 14

Representation of single mothers in the media

Through my research i found out that most representations of single mothers are usually negative. Depending on the different texts, single mothers can either be presented in different ways, depending on the audience of the text.
Us as an audience will accept many things put on in front of us, so we believe the hyper reality of the subject.
As most of my research found out that we as an audience can change the views of the single mothers, by not having one representation just as Eastenders tried to produce. they have several single mothers all going through different crisis for example multiple dads or one night stands, which even though gives us a different representations it gives us negative ones.
Octomom is the worst example of a single mother as she has 14 kids in which she doesn't work for to provide, which this would be the majority of the negative representations.

In my conclusion i find that, maybe if we the audience take in different reality instead of a hyper reality sense we will have a better understanding, as us the audience take in what we see we can change the way we see it. We don't really understand what we see which means the representations will teach us.

But how will we change how we see things?

Friday, 3 December 2010

Day 9

- - Page 73 single mothers percentage in years
- Finding different e-media articles, books, presentations that describes different issues of single mothers

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Day 8



Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Day 7

Octuplet Mum Interview

Monday, 29 November 2010

day 4


  • Broadcast
  • E-Media?
Text Types:
  • Soaps: - Eastenders
  • Documentaries: - Octuplet mum, 
  • Reality TV Shows: - 16 & Pregnant 

Wider Contexts:
  • Political -  Having Children for benefits
  • Historical - Single mum was seen as unappropriate

Time Frames:
  • Time Frame of about 20-50 years, to as far as it is appropriate to talk about, when single mothers where frowned upon.
Theoretical Findings
  • Religion - "No Sex Before Marriage"
  • Feminism - Single Mothers should be allowed, there as capable as men and as capable as a mother and father.
Media Issues & Debates
  • Don't have jobs
  • Lack of role models
  • Looseness of women

Monday, 15 November 2010

4 Girls.3 Days.2 Cities.1 Chance!

Film Promotion and Marketing - was promoted very well through every platform of the media, even before the film was fully made. Noel Clark promoted his film through every way possible, as he was the maker of Kidulthood and Adulthood, he learnt how to make the film promotion bigger and better. With also using America as one of the filming points this means the film can be promoted to America and not just here (not sure if this is true).

The film has been promoted by on all platforms.

Official Websites: - This also has Links to advertisers, actors/actresses social network pages - Official youtube page - Official Facebook Page - Official Twitter Page

Interview with youtube channel that talks about UK movies, fashion, glamour etc
Theme tune for 4,3,2,1 promoting the film.
All of these pages where made before the film was made, this was to promote the film to all audiences, so that the film will become a big hit, which it did as Noel Clark became a BAFTA award winning British Actor/ Writer/ Director.

Broadcast: Interview with cast of film on metro - Radio Interview about the film - First Looks About film


Different Posters, DVD covers, Parody posters.

   - Universal UK is probably most well know institution in the world, by having Universal UK and Universal America, no wonder its top. 
   - From Noel Clarke coming from Revolver UK to Universal UK it has been a big success for him and his films.

   - Emma Roberts - Usually on Nickelodeon on Fabulous. Shes also a singer/songwriter and designer. Being from America it will bring other audiences to watch it. - 
   - Ashley Bashy Thomas - British Rapper and Actor, Normally Presented as the hard woker, trying to make it to the top, "black boys" -
   - Eve - Independent Woman, singer/songwriter, actor. Associated as being independent. -
   - Plan B -  Rapper/singer, actor and film director.  -
   - Ben Shephard - English Television presenter, usually on GMTV -

Pre Production
  - Facebook - competitions were all over facebook winning merchandise, awards, a chance to be in the movie etc

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Strauss, Berger

Claude Levis Strauss
   - Strauss believes that representations are made, things are put in and taken away from a text to give the audience a prefer view. 
   - The text will manipulate something to highlight the good things or make them bad.. E.g This is England, where it highlights the good and bad points of the characters.
“Just as the individual is not alone in the group, nor any one in society alone among the others, so man is not alone in the universe.”





Counter Argument
Marxism argue that men are on top 

John Berger
   - Berger agrees with the feminist theory, that "Men act and women appear". He explains that woman are seen as object, just like Laura Mulvey.
   - Its almost seen as men are allowed to change and woman are restricted, this means men are liberated.
"Glamour cannot exist without personal social envy being a common and widespread emotion"





Counter Argument

Strinati, Lyotard, Bauldrillard, Merrin

Dominic Strinati
   - Strinati defines the Post-modernism is as if we look through a mirror. Media is presented as if we see it through a mirror, what we see is what we get. 
   - As Media has taken over EVERYONES (yes everyones) lives, we go by what we see, there is no other way to define, we will never have our own "thoughts" as they would of already been done.
"Postmodernism tries to come to terms with and understand a media-saturated society. The mass media, for example, were once thought of as holding up a mirror to, and thereby reflecting, a wider social reality. Now that reality is only definable in terms of surface reflection of the mirror" (1995)




Counter Argument
"Certain readers resented me when they could no longer recognize their territory, their institution. Jacques Derrida. He explains that no one is safe from the media, we need to recognise ourself and where we come form first.

Jean Francois Lyotard
‘Narratives, as we have seen, determine criteria of competence and/or illustrate how they are to be applied. They thus define what has the right to be said and done in the culture in question, and since they are themselves a part of that culture, they are legitimated by the simple fact that they do what they do.’
   - Lyotard explains that Postmodernism the metanarative has fallen into disuse and can no longer analyse the texts that have been forged from their ruins.
   - He explains that young minds can can revive wonders


Counter argument:
Anderson (1984), Frisby (1985), and Callinicus (1985) all argue agrssivly against the idea of postmodernism being a mirror. They all argue against Lyotards argument that metanarratives, are the midwife of the postmodern theory, it doesnt affect it.

Jean Baudrillard
   -Baudrillard believes that the world is all made up, what we see is never necessarily what is real, but we are made to believe it is.
   - A good example of this would be expos of characters either from films or cartoons, we believe them to be real and join along with the fact we no its not, but we want to join in.
   - "The secret of theory is that truth does not exist." Jean Baudrillard (Fragments: Cool Memories III, 1990-1995)




Jean Baudrillard. Image and Representation. 2004

   - Merrin believes that the media does not reflect reality in one bit but mealy produces it so that we can understand our existance.
 ‘Finally we have a book–length study of Baudrillard’s writing from the vantage point of media studies. Merrin is an excellent guide to what is arguably the central thread in the work of the theorist of simulations.’ – Mark Poster, University of California, Irvine

E-Media - Blog about issues



Coutner Argument
- Jonathan Arac says "postmodernism has always been in search of tradition while pretending to innovation"
The Routledge companion to postmodernism By Stuart Sim

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Active Reading

Richard Dyer
- 'How we are seen determines how we are treated, how we treat others is based on how we see them. How we see them comes from representation' - The Matter of Images.
Quote - - The matter of images quote
Richard Dyer believes that how something is represented is how we are determined to look at it. The media mould a figure and we go by what it proclaims.
- 'This is what everyone -- you, me and us -- thinks members of such-and-such a social group are like.' - The role of stereotype essay.




Counter Argument:

David Gauntlett
- David Gauntlett theory is to show that the influence of media, gives the audience no identity. He argues against.
- He argues the fact that we naturally challenge media and it is our choice whether or not to except what we see.
About Him -
About Him -



- Broadcast:

Counter Argument:

Urban Tribe9 up5 down
Termed coined by french sociologist Michel Maffesoli. Its first widespread use came from his book, "Le Temps des Tribus" (1988). In it's original meaning, "urban tribes" were young city people that gathered in relatively small, fluid groups. These groups shared common interests that were, in general, different from the interests of mainstream culture.

Laura Mulvey
- Laura Mulvey believes that the world is seen through a males gaze, we have no control over the male dominance.
-  Woman are objectfied by the camera lens, which means gender of the audience are meant to accept the masculine point of view.




Counter Argument:

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Media Conference - Media Magazine

Professor David Buckingham: 
Chewing gum for the brain: Why do people talk such rubbish about Media Studies?
Why Media Studies is  worth studying.

Professor David Buckingham explored the different views on how media is shown. As coming from a media class your biased to what we see in the media; David Buckingham explored these different effects the media have on different things, for example different lessons. He explained that the ignorance of the audience; meaning that if you don't do the subject your more likely to not understand why its becoming what it is. 
As he said he concentrates on the young people's reaction with media; with electronic media and media education, the argument between older people and media have become more obvious over the years. 
One of the arguments he covered was the thought that media had to be shown to so that sex and drinking would become less of a problem as its taught through media, but is this the case? 
I learnt a lot from this lecture, as it helped me understand not only my views but what other people think about it. I noticed that as media has become more popular more and more people are disliking it for what it produces, but has this become our guilty pleasure?

Dr Julian McDougall:

Online media, Cleggmania, and the Cowell Factor.
How do online media and convergence impact on the ways audiences and producers use and create media?

Dr Julian McDougall expresses how media has been developed over the years. He shows us how first media was 'media 1.0' and the web was 'web 1.0', but now since media has hit further expectations we can no longer call it that, and now have to update it to 2.0.
New media now relies upon each other to become new, but this is just old fashion as nothing can become brand new. He used an example that Simon Cowell is more popular then most historic figures. The video he showed us from America shows us how people are more likely to know a celebrity than someone who runs the government. 
Five questions he mentioned when talking about media:
- What power do people have?
- Where did you get it from?
- In whose interest do you exercise it?
- To where is it acceptable?
- Limits and threats
Theres an increase in interplay between gaming online, tv and films. 
  - Web2.0 - "elockment" that we share 
  - Web1.0 - all on your own
This means there has been a major increase in the amount of interactivity we have with each other, this means us a community will never stop.
As well as there is a Web2.0 and 1.0 there is also a media version, this means there is;
  - Media1.0 - Newspapers
  - Media2.0 - Online newspapers, interactivity. 
This means were in the middle of a crisis, as generations develop, there will be no more newspapers, as you will get all the information yourself.
I learnt a lot from this speaker, he gave us on a view on how far media has actually come over the last 10 years, and how the future depends on us, and our laziness to the media.

Pete Fraser:
Perfecting your production work.
How to get the most out of your practical projects.


  - Research & Planning
  - Blogging & Evidence 
  - Ideas & Feedback  
  - Logistics, equipment & Production

  - Really Look at real examples
  - Keep evidence of all your research
  - Research every angle
  - Conventions, Audience, Institutions etc.
Simple Mistakes Cost!

  - Plan for all eventualities - what could possible go wrong?
  - Record all your planning - Visuals?
  - Show the process of your "Journey"

  - A blog allows you to link to examples, ideas & inspirations

  - Storyboards, animatics, real photos
  - Video to show edit

  - Keep ideas simple
  - Have a workable concept with realistic plans
  - Try the "25 word pitch" or the "lift pitch"

Get Feedback
  - At all stages from peers, teachers & others
  - Keep records of the feedback
Take Notice!

  - People, places, drops, costumes
  - Get it done early, you may need to do it again
  - Rehearse & prepare

  - Practise on it
  - Prepare it, get to know it
  - Start with the big picture
I learnt the most from this speaker as I could use all this when doing my production work, this will help by making the final outcome and working in a group.

Professor Annette Hill:
Paranormal Media: audiences, spirits and magic in popular culture
Supernatural media, audiences, and key concepts at A level.

Has horror films and the likeness of them made it become the norm?
She explains how spiritual events and scary things, have become more popular by media. Media has put more a glamour on creepy things, by making horror films, and ghouls less scary. There are no explanation to all these which is why audiences want to watch.

Things To Know!
  - Colaborate
  - Diversity
  - No Right Answers
  - Take Risks
  - Be Selective
  - Make Connections
  - Get Active