Thursday 9 December 2010

day 14

Representation of single mothers in the media

Through my research i found out that most representations of single mothers are usually negative. Depending on the different texts, single mothers can either be presented in different ways, depending on the audience of the text.
Us as an audience will accept many things put on in front of us, so we believe the hyper reality of the subject.
As most of my research found out that we as an audience can change the views of the single mothers, by not having one representation just as Eastenders tried to produce. they have several single mothers all going through different crisis for example multiple dads or one night stands, which even though gives us a different representations it gives us negative ones.
Octomom is the worst example of a single mother as she has 14 kids in which she doesn't work for to provide, which this would be the majority of the negative representations.

In my conclusion i find that, maybe if we the audience take in different reality instead of a hyper reality sense we will have a better understanding, as us the audience take in what we see we can change the way we see it. We don't really understand what we see which means the representations will teach us.

But how will we change how we see things?