Tuesday 6 July 2010

Worlds Strictest Parent, WOW!

From a audience perspective I thought it was pathetic, at how I found it entertaining but being a media student that I am I'm realising I'm getting sucked in. As its cheap television, people will watch it for the entertainment purposes, leaving it to the imagination of how it’s seen. As there is a background story to what's happening people wont realize it and watch it more to laugh at then to realize the it's actually a bad situation the people are in.
The narrative of “The Worlds Strictest Parents” was made so the audience was to think that gradually day by day they get worse and in the end, this bomb drops and they become the fantastic children that their mum and dad wished for. The continuity editing has a big role in this as it was used so that each day would look like its getting worse, even though its used to show it in chronological order, the narrator and the editing makes the adolescence's look as if their getting worse, leaving it entertaining for the audience. Even though in fact it’s probably not getting worse, its mixed up to makes it look like a bad situation. As we saw with the teenage girl, her behaviour got gradually worse, this probably isn’t the case.

As both of the adolescences are white, the representation of the demographics of them being white and all the "Strict Parents" are of a different ethnicity makes it seem that it’s a single target against a certain status. Singling out different ethnicities shows that maybe white people are the most un-behaved group of people? Or is it that from where the generations stands today from falling apart maybe they start to fall apart first?
The house that the “strict” parents live in, is big, clean and in a nice environment. If you see the flip side and look at the teenagers, there houses are small, on a loud street etc.
The representations of the contrast in the families show how and why the teenagers are like that, giving the audience a background story (or explanation of why their like that.

Both teenagers went out drinking, did drugs, smoked and had underage sex, which was probably done either by peer pressure or, by following the crowd, but all was done without discipline. This connects with the ideologies and values of the teenagers themselves and the audience. As the audience either watches it for entertainment purposes or for help, which means each audience have a different perspective on the matter. The beliefs of the teenagers where they had none, they had no religious beliefs and didn’t care what happened to their bodies, but by going into a household which was run by God, changed the way life was. As the boy was gay, he already had a different belief than the parents, that from the start you knew it was going to cause conflict between all of them.

At the end I found the whole show a bit obvious, their bad, then their good, it’s a circle.